Looks don’t matter. Men fuck ugly girls and 6ft ogre ugly guys still get girlfriends.

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you might be interested in this post: https://dkras.substack.com/p/sex-differences-attractiveness-and

specifically the section on "How do looks affect how much the opposite sex likes you after an 8-minute-long, in-person date?": https://dkras.substack.com/i/50544070/how-do-your-looks-affect-how-much-the-opposite-sex-likes-you-after-an-minute-long-in-person-date

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Oct 8Edited

beware of the subversive pill that is peddled by the kike who authored this post

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From the abstract from the 2008 Harper abstract

"while among men, lower marriage rates are found for those who are short or unattractive."

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This is what this sentence was referring to:

'with the exception of a weak and marginally significant positive effect for ratings at both ages combined for attractive females (4% more likely to be married) and marginally significant negative effect for unattractive males (9% less likely to be).'

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