>The negligible correlations between attractiveness/height and sex partners have not risen in recent years.

This matches my intuition. I know not conv. attractive guys who have a lot of not conv. attractive sex partners. Most of "inceldom" is basically not accepting one's league. I distinctly remember being 16 and having two utterly different mental categories for attractive girls in the class, whom I categorized as "girls" and the other girls whom I categorized as "classmates".

Dating apps: so there are dating sites, which are used with a computer and revolve around writing and reading profiles, and dating apps, which are phone based and revolve around pics. These later are necessarily more looks-based, but there is also the part where a lot of guys really don't know how to take a good pic, the gym mirror selfie, the bathroom mirror selfie... generally the best idea is pics while doing interesting things.

Also, it is useful to conceptualize Tinder by comparing it to lottery, small chance of very high payoffs, with all the usual features of lottery.

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stop trying to subvert our society jewy

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I'm not reading this because I'm the original person who invented the Chad meme and I can already tell you normies can never get this correctly because you never understood the point I was conveying...

I might come back later for a full debunking of your debunking.... But once again, I find

a normie misconstruing MY observations of reality.

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Nice cope bro

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Grow up, kiddo. One day you’ll learn to be honest about copying everything from someone else.

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But yet where is your full debunk?

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did you write it

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Long article, but there does seem to be a pretty high correlation between some groups and sexual access. Having been a chad in the past it's definitely easier to casually hook up post-tinder than pre-tinder. In all cases, in-person approaches still seem the most effective. So what we're seeing is a Darwinian pressure toward people capable of socializing in a broken culture. Anxiety and mental illness have become massive impediments to mate selection.

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